New members are always welcome, meetings are held on the third Sunday of the month. Unless on excursion, we will be upstairs at the Footscray Canoe Club.

Meeting location
Footscray Canoe Cub
40 Farnsworth Ave (crn Maribyrnong Blvd), Footscray
Club Contacts
President: Scott Adams
Secretary: Peter Allen
Treasurer: Walter Medenbach
Competition Coordinator: Andrew Miller
Website: Walter Medenbach
Newsletter: Michael Griffin
Email Address:
Members Only Mail List
Members can email each other via this list.
Bank Account Details
A/c name – Westgate Brewers Club Inc
BSB – 063240
A/c no. 10635967
Membership is $45.00 for a single or $55.00 for a family. Don’t forget to put your name in the Statement details so we know who has paid.
Suggestion Box
You can provide a suggestion to the committee anytime here.